Sunday, July 11, 2010


I accidentally ordered something from Amazon without checking whether or not it would be sent out by HDNL. Bad! Wrong! Never again!

As soon as you realise you're under HDNL house arrest it's like a glimpse into a Machine Stops future where all of humanity spends its entire time sealed into pods waiting for deliveries.

Sudden thought: It's a mercy that Gentlemen's Ordering Services don't use HDNL isn't it? Can you imagine stumbling home to find a note saying "We tried to deliver ChickenLols84 but you were out"? Or worse, finding it fuming sullenly in next door's kitchen?

1 comment:

Skip said...

I know it's spam, but I'm letting it through. At least it's making an effort.

Crikey, since I've switched the ultra spam moderation filter on the amount of spam has gone UP. I don't understand this.