Sunday, June 02, 2013

Help for Heros

There was graffiti on the Mosque. You get a lot of graffiti in Somerstown. Recently there's been a lot about a girl called Tracy. Apparently she's a no-good grass who hangs around with quite the wrong sort of gentleman.

I'm sure it's all quite upsetting for Tracy and her various boyfriends, but this weekend the graffiti went up a notch.

Someone had graffiti'd on the mosque: "Fuck Islam. Help for Heros. EDL". It's quite a thing when you can't even spell the cause you're appropriating for your own sick ends. But still, away they'd gone, fucking Islam and helping them heros quite a few times.

We walked past it. We were at a loose end (having just missed a play by Aeschylus because we have no sense of direction. Oh yes, we're that gay). So, we decided to do something about it.

We went home and filled a bucket with soda crystals and hot water and grabbed some brillo pads ("After all," I said, "It's good practice in case the kids on the estate paint 'Paedo' on our door someday") and went to work.

We hadn't got very far before we were surrounded by a gang. A proper, quietly intimidating gang. They stood and watched us. "Fuck' em," one said about us, "They're defacing the mosque. That's wrong."
"Wait," said another, "They are cleaning it."
They stood back and watched us for a bit. Then went away.

It only took five minutes.  Someone came out of their house and watched us quietly. A couple of people walked past us into the mosque. They didn't say anything to us. I'm quite glad about that. I'm not really sure there's appropriate small talk for this situation. Clinton's don't do a card for "Sorry about your hate crime".

Anyway, two gays stood scrubbing a mosque clean and then quietly tiptoed home. And maybe, the next time someone says something about poor Tracy and her men, we'll clean that up too.


aerate harsh ladle said...

Brilliant. Well done.

Liz said...


Nikki Bayley said...

I am full of LOVE LOVE LOVE for this. You rock. Thanks for being splendid.

theshoequeen said...

The very defenition of class!

savingmaisie said...

Good job.

Mei said...

No excuse for ignorance, is there? Well done, guys!

ani said...

Muscular Liberalism in action perhaps? A good act certainly.

sideeming said...

That's really nice of you, especially considering what Islam says about being gay!

Unknown said...

As another Somerstown resident I just wanted to thank you. I quite enjoyed the Tracy tale though and the way it unfolded along the length of the street, fascinating...

Skip said...

Oh, me too. The Tale of Tracy was like proper street art. I loved it when the two sides started arguing with each other. In graffiti.

Unknown said...

There are not enough people in the world who put thought into others. You sir are a gentleman through and through.

Disobedient Child said...

"Thank you for being splendid" - I'm not sure any other words are necessary here :) Being the change :)

Tujuh_Lima said...

Thank you for doing what you both did.
As a muslim, I am very touches by the gesture.
Thank you again :')

jonesy said...

you is lovely, but I knew that already

Sarah said...

In the pub only yesterday evening I was fondly nostalgic for the outrageous titilation on your blog. This is a worthy substitute. You're smashing.

Caroline said...

Well done for this ! This kind of graffiti is a hate crime it should be reported to the police and also to and unite agains t fascism at

Caliope said...

On the one hand well done, on the other, perhaps it hadn't been removed because it was awaiting police investigation. By the way, a cycling hi-viz vest is an excellent way of giving yourself a pseudo-official air when doing this sort of thing.

I too miss the days when your blog was a rollicking rollercoaster of sexual adventuring. What larks !